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config contains information about the applications and packages included in the kollection.


Before kupboard-0.9.3, the configuration filename of kollection was mugset.yaml. If you have a kollection that includes mugset.yaml, simply renaming it to config.yaml will work.


Applications included in the kollection are often used when users want to deploy their applications to the service cluster. (For this reason, there are no applications in a default kollection of kupboard.) Include the source directory containing Dockerfile in the kollection and define the build and deploy options in the config. The kupboard builds the application based on the specifications defined in the config and deploys it to the service cluster.

- name: myapp
version: 1.0
app_port: 80
service_port: 8080
exposed_port: 32001
replica: 2
- name: ENV1
value: value_of_ENV1
- name: ENV2
value: value_of_ENV2
  • name application name
  • version application version (container tag)
  • app_port container port on kubernetes
  • service_port service port on kubernetes
  • exposed_port service port(node port) on kubernetes. exposed_port should set to expose a service using a port between 32000~32767.
  • replica pod replica
  • envs env variables


If you have your own solution or open source package that you need for a service or operation, you can install it using kupboard. In addition you can define a variety of action and parameter to handle many situations. Each package must contain at least one Ansible playbook, and can excuted in a variety of ways using the action defined in the config.

- name: mypackage
target_group: gateway
playbook: nginx/nginx.yaml
- name: deploy
default: true
state: present
- "name=value"
  • name pakcage name
  • vars playbook variables (for package)
  • actions action list
    • name action name
    • default default or not. If action not given, the anction with default true will be excuted.
    • vars playbook variable (for action)
    • params playbook parameter (used for ansile-playbook)