Configuration contains a variety of information about the whole platform. In this section, we will check how to compose the kupboard configuration with kupboard-data-sample.
Version and MetadataThe following three items must be defined and they can be updated by the information you want.
Global VariablesIn the vars
section, you can define many variables that you can refer to by kupboard and kollection.
Project InformationThe variables in Project Information
are required for the service operation. To use the Harbor registry, a valid ssl certification should be prepared. If you're not using the registry, you can ignore these variables.
needs to be true
if you want to use a persistent volume in a service cluster.
should be 8-20 characters long with at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase and 1 number. Check out Harbor Package for more information.
variables are used to access various open source packages. If you're not using open source packages, you can ignore these variables.
ClusterIn cluster
section, public IP and private IP of all servers in the kupboard platform. Fill the cluster section with IP addresses of servers we created.
The configuration of the cluster can be customized as you want. If you want to configure it for test or demo, you can configure it with six servers as above, but you can configure three gateway servers and four or more servers in the service clutter to install a variety of solutions. If you want to build a separated Data plane, you can configure an additional storage cluster.
Custom ClusterYou can also add clusters with names you want as shown in the following example.
HostnameThe servers in the cluster section have a naming convention such as <cluster-name>-node#
. For example, the first server in the admin cluster is admin-node1
and the second server in the service cluster is service-node2
When the initialization is complete, the server can be accessed via ssh connection usingkupboard ssh admin-node1