Google Cloud Platform
IntroductionThis section describes how to create and configure E2 instances to build a kupboard cluster on GCP(Google Cloud Platform).
E2 InstanceKupboard clusters can be configured in a variety of ways depending on the service and application. In this example, we will create 1 server for the admin cluster, 1 server for the gateway cluster, and 4 servers for the service cluster.
You need to create 6 E2 instances as the table below. OS for all instances must be Ubuntu18.04 or 20.04. The size of additional disks should change depending services or pakcages installed on the service cluster.
Cluster | Instance Type | Quantity | Boot Disk | Additional Disk |
Admin | e2-meidum < | 1 | 50GB | N/A |
Gateway | e2-meidum < | 1 | 50GB | N/A |
Service | e2-standard2 < | 4 | 50GB | 50GB < |
VPC NetworkWe need to create a VPC with a subnet
The subnet range must be
. Otherwise kupboard will not work properly.
FirewallCreate a firewall for the subnet created above.
Cluster | Inbound | Source |
All | 22 | |
1 - 65535 | | |
Admin | 80,443 | |
Gateway | 80,443 | |
Cluster | Outbound | Destination |
All | 1 - 65535 | |
SSH KeyIn order to initialize the servers, you must first register the SSH Key. A new key-pair can be generated with the command below, and the generated keys can be found in data/certs
. Go to Compute Engine > Metadata > SSH Keys
and add the public key.
DataMove to Data